Welcome to the official GoPetition Blog. This space is dedicated to publishing notable site news, novel ideas, and interesting campaign stories. GoPetition is committed to hosting powerful online protests and premium content. Our mission is to empower individuals and groups to start petitions, build support, win campaigns, or simply follow and support the causes they love. Below are links to individual blog entries in chronological order. Please enjoy.
Ex-HMAS Tobruk to be transformed into world-class Queensland dive site
Queensland politicians respond to petition for Mason Jet Lee law
Fallen Sailors will continue to be remembered on board USS Decatur (DDG-73)
Disabled St. John's Newfoundland man creates waves, gets results
Watford Met Tube Station gets Boost with Petition Drive
Derryn Hinch finishes protest walk and delivers petition
Reflections with a dash of history about GoPetition
Campaigners call for action on 'suicide bridge'
Andy Whitfield as "Spartacus" may be made into Madame Tussauds waxwork
Harry's Hope Campaign wins fight for Narcolepsy Treatment
Petitions and the current social mood of the USA
GoPetition outlines services for Groups, Businesses and Organizations
UK rhythmic gymnasts get their chance at the London 2012 Olympics
Petition success for Forks of Salmon Post Office
Petition Template Ideas for Online Petitions
Classical Music Lovers win Campaign Victory
Will the White House Petition Platform help Americans?
Kardashian petition raises key issues about the status of American popular culture
A Review of Federal Guidelines for Parliamentary Petitions in Australia
The Timeless Nature of Petitions
Petitions used to address intense pain of sexual abuse and lax anti-abuse laws
Calls for Constitutional Reform Escalate in the USA
Guest Post: On the Art and Technology of Petition Publishing
Guest Post: In support of Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus
Guest Post: Stop the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive!
The power of well crafted consumer-based petitions
Capital Punishment Petitions Reveal Social Rifts
When does Free Speech morph into Blasphemy?
Petition - Definition and Meaning - Definition of "Petition"
Education under Fire: Middlesex Philosophy Case Study
GoPetition cited as Best Practice example for the adoption of Web 2.0 by Government
Paper and internet petitions may soon be treated equally in Australia
Tips on How to Write a Petition