Every day GoPetition receives thousands of signatures supporting a variety of causes. These signatures are sourced globally from about 75 countries. It is interesting for me as I review the GoPetition signature database to see what social trends are emerging globally. One of the hottest and perhaps saddest trends is "Education under Fire."
Trending signature data from the USA suggests that many state governments are having severe budget problems and the response has been savage cuts to education. New York and California seem to be hardest hit, but no state seems exempt. This has manifested in large volumes of petitions concerning teacher sackings, program axings and even entire school closures. I will have more to say about this in another post. Here, however, I'd like to comment on what's happening in the UK. It appears that the deep sovereign budget crises engulfing Europe have not left Britain unscathed. Indeed it could be argued that the UK is a bigger basket-case financially than a number of the more advanced European states.
The depth of feeling about the closure is clearly seen in the signature list of the official student endorsed petition campaign protest. The petition has over 10,000 signatures and has been signed by some prominent academics and philosphers. Please see the links below for more information.
Unfortunately, the "Education under Fire" theme will probably continue to be one of GoPetition's hottest topics of interest. The global financial crisis is not going away soon, and indeed could intensify. In these circumstances it is the Liberal Arts that will suffer. How ironic, that in times when we need clarity of thought, we excise the very thinkers who may help.